Genevieve Devine

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Genevieve Devine creates garments and jewellery that tease the boundary between fashion and objet d’art. Salvaging and celebrating the past life of found materials, she reformulates them into new articles of fascination with an idiosyncratic approach that combines conceptual reimagining, careful handwork and fine detailing. 

Born and raised in the North East between the rural countryside and Newcastle, she graduated from CSM MA Fashion in 2021 with a mischievously seductive collection titled ‘Smoke and Mirrors’. Her 2022 presentation PEARL BITER was a sophisticated expansion of that world - the collection envisioned as a love letter to ‘misspent youth, poor time-keeping and disobedient women.’

As a young label with an emphasis on slow fashion, Genevieve Devine has developed organically. Embracing artisanal one-offs, bespoke, small-capsule and jewellery offerings that exist in a thematic continuum eschewing seasonality. Revelling in an expansive aesthetic universe abound with personal archetypes and myth-making, the designer treats the serious with levity and the lightest things with great care and attention. With an instinctive sense of silhouette and emphasis on the bodily experience of the wearer, her designs combine conceptual sophistication with a fine grasp of history and a puckish irreverence. A study in elegance, craft, rawness and absurdity, each palimpsest-garment incorporates its prior life into the construction, creating an experience that can be both empowering and evocative. 

A fever-dream of the feminine imagination where playing dress-up becomes a form of alchemy, Genevieve Devine conjures the feral and imperfect muse that is in us when we give it voice. 

Photography by Kuba Ryniewicz

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Genevieve Devine

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Isaac Murai Rolfe